Monday, September 12, 2005

- love -

hehehe... apa lagi nih ?

bagi para rekan2 yang udah kenal gw dari dulu,
harap sabar... tenang... tenang...
i haven't change that much kok :D

gak tau knp gw tiba2 pengen nulis tentang cinta,
tapi gw pengen nulis ini dari sudut pandang suka2 gw
jadi ini seperti fakta2 yang ada tentang cinta gitu...

dia cuma berupa kata yang simpel,
terdiri dari 5 huruf (bhs ind.) ato 4 huruf (love-in english-red.)
tapi bagi yang bener2 udah pernah ketemu ama dia...
wuih, dahsyat bo' responnya...

biasanya orang klo lagi jatuh cinta senengnya bukan maen
gak tau gimana tapi semua kerasa indah...
begitu pula klo ditinggalin ama si cinta,
wuih responnya lebih dahsyat lagi...
sampe2 ada orang yang rela meninggalkan hidupnya

kali u2 emang bener,
mrk bilang "love is like a drug that takes u higher..."

biasanya cinta bisa membuat seseorang mengalami reformasi total
dan hebatnya keinginan untuk mereformasi ini berasal dari diri sendiri,
contoh fiksi :
- superman rela jadi clark kent selamanya
gara2 dia jatuh cinta ama lois lane
- anakin skywalker nyeberang ke darkside n jadi darth vader
gara2 begitu cintanya dia sama padme, dan gak pengen kehilangan padme
contoh real :
lu bisa ambil cermin trus ngaca,
ato klo males lu tinggal liat orang2 di sekeliling...

malah sekarang ini si cinta udah jadi barang komersil
kayaknya apapun klo diembel2in cinta
cenderung banyak yang tertarik...
mulai dari film, lagu, buku,
sampe perang aja kadang2 meng-atas namakan cinta

tapi bagi gw sendiri, love is a verb !
cinta tuh kata kerja...
perlu di perjuangin, kerja keras, kompromi, full effort deh...
tapi juga harus bisa dinikmatin

malah konon kabarnya...
albert einstein lebih milih mempelajari quantum physics
daripada meneliti tentang cinta,
padahal dia sempet bikin hipotesa loch...
he said that love is just another form of energy...
(dan teori ini didukung sama celine dion - the power of love-)
emang iya gituh ? :)
*asal deh gw...*

Thursday, September 08, 2005

what happenned last weekend ?

what ?
for most indonesian
last weekend was special coz it's a long weekend...

but for me,

last weekend was one of the most fantastic weekend

in my life...

why ?
coz my hunnybunny was came here to jogjakarta
and everything was very highly under control...
i mean usually, we had a slight different opinion,
and sometimes we fought, and things like most couple did
when they had no understanding between them...
but this time, everything went very smooth...

who ?
i'd like to thank to all the people whom involved
in one of the most fantastic weekend i've ever had,
and here they are :
1. dr. bonnie-my cousins, which now has gone to aceh...
2. baby-dr. b's girlfriend, which now has went back to balikpapan
3. nena-baby's friend, which now has went back to jakarta
4. rully-nena's boyfriend, which now has went back with nena
5. said-baby's friend, which now has went back to balikpapan
6. said's mom-which now has went back with said...
7. wawan, my pool rival-which now has went back to malang
8. my beloved hunnybunny-which now has went back to jakarta
but she's always in my heart all the time...

when and where ?
friday, sept. 2nd 2005 :
stasiun tugu - warung burjo - home - jum'atan - home- angkringan -
home - borobudur - home - galeria mall - home
saturday, sept. 3rd 2005 :
home - campus - angkringan - home - wash the car - bakmi ganja -
mirota - campus - home - langen sekar resto - hanggar billiar -
alun2 selatan - home
sunday, sept. 4th 2005 :
home - stasiun tugu

how ?
- my hunnybunny came here with train (bisnis class) sat on the floor,
went back to jakarta with argolawu (executive class) train.
- we went to borobudur with dr. bonnie's red aerio
- i had dinner w/ my hun using my own car, also when i pick her
up to the train station, took her back there, hanggar billiard,
campus, bakmi ganja, mirota, and alun-alun selatan.
- we went to angkringan by walking, coz the angkringan is located
right beside my house
- nena and rully brought a green new corrolla from jakarta
and they drive it all the time in jogja
- nena, rully, baby, said, and said's mom stayed at hotel (...)

(i forgot the name) located on dagen street, jogjakarta,
while my hun stayed with me at home...

that's all folks,
i hope you can see why i called it one of the most fantastic weekend
i've ever had in my life...

me and my hunnybunny at borobudur